Riverwood is dedicated to producing top quality hand crafted products for the garden, cottage and home.

Alder wood the preferred wood

The furniture products are constructed of local wood, primarily mountain and marine alder. The alder considered by many to be a pest or a weed shrub has noble characteristics suited to this application. One of its many desirable characteristics is its ability to bend without breaking and thus is an excellent choice for many of our bent wood products. Marine alder with its bent and every-which-way growth pattern is likely to find its way into rustic style while mountain alder with long and slender stems is favored for the gypsy style. At Riverwood we mix and match both varieties to produce aesthetically pleasing and functional products.

Alder is abundant in many parts of Newfoundland & Labrador. It is an important part of the ecosystem. Experience working with this wood has shown the crafter's at Riverwood to use selective cutting. This allows for regeneration and minimal impact on the creatures that make the alder bed their home. Materials are selected based on color, growth pattern, length and diameter of the tree. Branches as well as stems become part of the crafter's inventory. Wild Cherry, Willow , Ash and Poplar are also used by Riverwood crafter's. Each species of wood brings unique features and challenges to twig furniture construction. Durability. A number of factors affect the durability and service life of twig furniture.

Warranty and Service

Riverwood is committed to providing a quality product. Any product that becomes non serviceable within thirty days of purchase will be replaced or repaired at our workshop free of cost. (shipping extra)


Store in areas that are cool and dry. At the start of each season inspect your furniture. Remove from service any item which appears to be unsound or is in need of repair. Reset any nails that may have loosened. Use a file and sand paper to smooth out sharp nicks and burrs that may have developed over the past season. Finally, use a wood preserver such as Linseed oil or redo surfaces with a good quality marine water proof varnish. For best results please read and follow manufacturer's directions when using a preservative.